Naming Names

When I was young, I bragged about being able to drive half way across the state without ever touching a paved road, those days are gone. Now, one can go to Atlanta, and once they get on Martin Luther King Boulevard, they can travel across several states without getting off of it. There are 777 streets and everything else you can imagine, named after him.There … Continue reading Naming Names

Dust Bunnies and the Elephant Upstairs

A Naval vessel is constantly cleaned. Most Sailors believe they are simply being kept busy, and to an extent, this is true. However, it serves another more vital purpose. When you are at battle stations and other states of readiness, you are confined to exceedingly small airtight spaces for many hours. When the guns fire on such a craft any dirt or dust, is shaken … Continue reading Dust Bunnies and the Elephant Upstairs